Новости атрокс билд

League of Legends Aatrox Build for Patch 14.8, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Aatrox. Чуть ранее на торрентах появился прошлогодний ноябрьский билд игры для разработчиков на ПК с доступным дебаг-меню. The most detailed and best Атрокс Build, Runes & Counters Guide for top Атрокс on LoL Patch 14.8 are found on LoLalytics. Атрокс — один из чемпионов, которые получат положительные эффекты в грядущем патче 13.5 для League of Legends. Aatrox probuilds reimagined: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Updated hourly. Patch 14.8.

Aatrox Build S14: Runes and Items

One moment, please... Best Aatrox build guides for League of Legends S14. We works hard to help you craft the best Aatrox build for the meta.
16 Aatrox ideas | lol league of legends, league of legends, league of legends characters Aatrox physical/magical/true damage repartition.
Please wait while your request is being verified... Q — Атрокс взлетает в воздух и обрушивается в указанную область, нанося урон все врагам в области падения.
LoL Wild Rift Aatrox Build & Guide (Patch 5.0) - Runes, Counters, Items, Ability Analysis АТРОКС. Эпик уровня "сын маминой подруги". Помогает закрывать огромное количество контента, при этом не особо требователен ко шмоту.

Сильнейшая сборка на Атрокса | Вампиризм против смертоносности

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Black Cleaver is an excellent item that gives Aatrox both damage and health. This allows him to get stacks pretty fast, which means he can deal more damage and get a lot of physical vamp when fully stacked.

Last Stand Last Stand helps Aatrox deal more damage when he drops low on health. Since Aatrox is a bruiser and he builds some Health in his build, falling low on health is not too much of a problem. Legend: Bloodline Legend Bloodline is an excellent rune choice for Aatrox. Over time, Aatrox will get more omnivamp, which will help with his healing from Abilities and auto attacks.

Next tostarting items, there are starting items, you will later level these up into full items for the Aatrox builds. In our League of Legends builds, you will see the most popular and versatile variations for each build. Skill Order, or Skill Priority, is extremely important in-game, to ensure you begin winning lanes beforebuying any strong items.

Riot Games is going to try and funnel those selections into specific mythic and legendaries itemizations rather than whereplayers typically gravitate towards. Riot wants players to create items with a bigger impact, which strengthens their ownchampions, not keep the opponent at bay. On stage, when picking and banning champions, you should banning champions who couldstand up against Aatrox, and vice versa.

If you see Aatrox is stronger against an enemy teams carries, then you should chooseAatrox.

Aatrox works well with champions who can setup or initiate a teamfight preferably with an AOE crowd control. Malphite can immediately chime in using his unstoppable ultimate, knocking up everyone caught it in. This allows Aatrox to have a space where he can attack targets and unleash his chains of attack with less chance of getting interrupted. Great junglers who can gank early and has a great cc also makes a good contribution. Scaling and gaining an early lead with Aatrox is essential as he usually falls off the in the late game. If you are using Aatrox, consider banning Irelia as she is his hardest counter. Irelia counters him in every way as she has better scaling than Aatrox. Another champ that is similar to Irelia is Fiora. Aside from her damage and passive, Fiora has high mobility which means she can easily evade your first ability.

On top of it, she can parry your attacks.

Aatrox Wild Rift Build 2024: Items, Runes, Combo [Pro]

But with time, Aatrox and his kin transformed into the threats they once repelled. Outsmarted by mortal sorcery, they were imprisoned. Aatrox, resilient and vengeful, was the first to break free, corrupting anyone attempting to harness his power. He now roams Runeterra, seeking vengeance in a grotesque form reminiscent of his old self. Today, Aatrox is a powerful figure in the rift.

Aatrox works well with champions who can setup or initiate a teamfight preferably with an AOE crowd control. Malphite can immediately chime in using his unstoppable ultimate, knocking up everyone caught it in. This allows Aatrox to have a space where he can attack targets and unleash his chains of attack with less chance of getting interrupted. Great junglers who can gank early and has a great cc also makes a good contribution.

Scaling and gaining an early lead with Aatrox is essential as he usually falls off the in the late game. If you are using Aatrox, consider banning Irelia as she is his hardest counter. Irelia counters him in every way as she has better scaling than Aatrox. Another champ that is similar to Irelia is Fiora. Aside from her damage and passive, Fiora has high mobility which means she can easily evade your first ability. On top of it, she can parry your attacks.

We only recommend the top winrate Атрокс builds that have been used by ranked League players enough times for us to suggest them. With so many matches in our data, we are confident in our recommended builds.

Им стал Aatrox. Разработчики переработают как способности, так и визуальную составляющую между сплитами лиг. Riot также сообщила, что улучшит графику в обновлении 7. Разработчики назвали три ключевых изменения.

League of Legends - Обзор обновленного Атрокса

Если вы убьете Атрокса, когда у него будет практически не заполненная полоска ресурсов для пассивки Blood Well, то он воскреснет с низким здоровьем, и вы без труда расправитесь с ним. Aatrox Patch 14.8 builds including Runes, Items, Skill Order, and Summoner Spells. View all Aatrox skins in League of Legends Wild Rift here featuring from alpha version to the newest release skin including rarity, price, and how to get.

Переработанный Атрокс в League of Legends

Атрокс Build, Runes & Counters for top Атрокс Prestige DRX Aatrox был представлен вместе с другими специальными скинами League of Legends World Championship, посвященными победе DRX в прошлом году.
Aatrox stats - Games of Legends Смотрите видео на тему «aatrox build» в TikTok (тикток).
Атрокс в League of Legends: гайд 2024, лучшая сборка и руны, как играть за героя In terms of lore, Aatrox is probably the coolest champion in League of Legends.
Aatrox Skins List | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Атрокс бьет мечом сверху вниз, нанося физический урон.

Wild Rift Новости: Атрокс 👹 | Обзор Нового Чемпиона в Вайлд Рифт. Губитель п̶и̶в̶а̶ Мира.

He holds a TOP position, placing him in the S tier. With a pick rate of 1. Dive deep into the Aatrox Probuild, discover the strategies and techniques that define Pro Aatrox Builds, and dominate your games with the might of the Darkin Blade. They amplify his capabilities, allowing him to dominate his opponents.

Boots Plated Steelcaps: These boots provide added defense against AD champions, making Aatrox more resilient in the frontline.

Атрокса настолько «переработали», что от старого героя вообще мало что осталось. Разве что, его способность обманывать смерть и возвращаться на поле боя по прежнему с ним. На тестовых серверах, к слову, наш Клинок Даркинов появится уже со дня на день.

With a pick rate of 1. Dive deep into the Aatrox Probuild, discover the strategies and techniques that define Pro Aatrox Builds, and dominate your games with the might of the Darkin Blade. They amplify his capabilities, allowing him to dominate his opponents. Boots Plated Steelcaps: These boots provide added defense against AD champions, making Aatrox more resilient in the frontline. Core Items Edge of Night: Prioritized for its spell shield, this item prevents Aatrox from being easily crowd-controlled, letting him engage fearlessly.

Conclusion Lethality Aatrox — The Good and the Bad Lethality Aatrox is a strong build that offers lots of damage at all stages of the game. Because of all the armor penetration, it counters both squishy champions and tanks. Lethality Aatrox can solo kill any champion in the game but it also lacks the survivability of the fighter build. To put it simply, lethality Aatrox does much more damage than the fighter Aatrox build but it also makes him squishier. And if played correctly, he can go even against most top lane champions. However, since the lethality items grant more base AD overall and Aatrox heals more the more damage he does, we can make the argument that Aatrox heals more with this lethality build. And lastly, lethality Aatrox can assassinate squishy enemies with a couple of Q casts and solo any tank in LoL. He has high damage to overpower most duelists in the top lane. Against favorable matchups Dr. Mundo, Akali, Sion you can play as aggressively as you want.

Aatrox TFT Builds, Items and Stats

Прокачка W — качайте всегда, когда есть возможность. И в лес и на топ и на мид — качайте W. Затем, в лесу — качайте Q. Это — ваша инициация для ганка и способ упрыгать от засады в лесу через стенку — самое то. На третьем уровне, если вы планируете ганк, качайте E. Если хотите ганкать на 4м — качайте сначала W до 2го уровня. На топе — максите W и используйте его для поддержания уровня жизней и харасмента. Ульту — всегда, когда возможно.

Прокачка E даст более длительное замедление, а от прокачки Q эффективность краудконтроля не увеличится. Мастерис 21-9-0 В зависимости от состава вражеской команды, берите танковость, если у врагов много способов прервать вашу атаку.

Достаточно сложное комбо, с которым вы сможете легко настигнуть соперника и внести максимальное количество урона.

Старайтесь при использовании первого скилла попадать острием клинка, чтобы быстрее обновлять действие пассивки и использовать усиленную базовую атаку. Не самое простое сочетание, которое лучше использовать сразу против толпы чемпионов, чтобы как можно дольше оставаться в демонической форме. Станьте врагов цепями, нагоняйте с помощью рывка и разбивайте их спамом первого навыка и усиленной автоатаки.

Легкая комбинация для сражения один на один. Атакуйте врага клинками, затем сокращайте дистанцию и не дайте ему отступить. После рывка сразу же используйте автоатаку и добивайте соперника.

Плюсы и минусы героя Теперь поговорим о том, какие сильные и слабые стороны стоит учитывать, когда беретесь играть за этого мощного и мобильного воина. Плюсы игры за Атрокса: Хорошо показывает себя в соло сражениях и в командных схватках. Есть рывок и стан — мобильный и сложный соперник.

Благодаря третьему навыку может преодолевать тонкие стены. Независим от маны или энергии. У него хороший пассивный вампиризм.

Простой в освоении и мощный ультимейт. Может стоять на передовой, инициировать сражения или выслеживать одинокие цели в лесу. Минусы игры за Атрокса: Сложно правильно использовать первый скилл и сочетать его с третьим.

W Проклятые цепи Атрокс бьет по земле, нанося урон первому пораженному врагу. Если чемпионы или большие монстры не покинут область действия, то будут притянуты к ее центру и снова получат урон. E Темный рывок Атрокс пассивно восстанавливает себе здоровье при нанесении урона вражеским чемпионам.

Mundo, Akali, Sion you can play as aggressively as you want. For example, Fiora can stun Aatrox during the Q casts or dash away from his E.

On the other hand, Aatrox is easily countered by anti-heal items. Aatrox is a champion whose design revolves around self-healing. And when you get used to the playstyle it offers, you can absolutely crush solo queue with it! Lethality Aatrox — The Runes Conqueror Conqueror is the go-to rune for any Aatrox build because it increases both his damage and his self-healing. It works on stacks that you build up while fighting.

And when fully stacked, you get a lot of bonus damage and healing. Triumph Triumph is the best rune in the second row of the Precision tree. It will heal you for a small percentage each time you score a champion takedown, allowing you to survive in close-to-death fights.

Aatrox Build Guides, Runes and Items

Aatrox Patch 14.8 builds including Runes, Items, Skill Order, and Summoner Spells. Discover the best Aatrox decks in LoR. Get optimal decks builds, and advice for the current meta to become a Master of Legends of Runeterra! League of Legends,Лига Легенд фэндомы Aatrox,Атрокс. Руководства по сборке Aatrox в MOBAFire. В League of Legends премьера стратегических сборок и инструментов Aatrox. На что именно способен новый Атрокс и какими способностями он теперь обладает можно узнать из специального ролика, подготовленного разработчиками. Aatrox probuilds reimagined: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Updated hourly. Patch 14.8.

Атрокс станет круче и опасней

I usually go top lane and Aatrox is one of my favorite champions to play, I've been working on this fan art piece in my free time, trying to get faster and more efficient in my workflow. Билд на Атрокса для верхней линии (TOP) Выбор заклинаний. Aatrox Top Lane is ranked S+ Tier and has a 49.60% win rate in LoL Patch 14.8. We've analyzed 244085 Aatrox Top Lane games to compile our statistical Aatrox Build Guide. Новости в тренде. за сутки. актуальные новости, интересные обзоры и статьи, свежие видео и интервью. I usually go top lane and Aatrox is one of my favorite champions to play, I've been working on this fan art piece in my free time, trying to get faster and more efficient in my workflow. Билд на Атрокса лесника (Jungler).

Aatrox Wild Rift Build 2024: Items, Runes, Combo [Pro]

Атрокс: сборка champions. Aatrox. All Aatrox Skins. Browse News Tournaments Matches. Privacy policy Terms of use About Us.
Aatrox receives buffs via hotfix hours after being released - Dot Esports Билд на Атрокса для верхней линии (TOP) Выбор заклинаний.
Aatrox - LoR Deck Database In terms of lore, Aatrox is probably the coolest champion in League of Legends.
Aatrox Build S14: Runes and Items Описание Атрокс Билд Splash Art Образы Избранный.

Aatrox Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends]

Recommended Videos While most of his buffs were stat increases or cooldown reductions, an entirely new mechanic was added to his E, Umbral Dash. Now, using the ability lets Aatrox reset his auto-attack timer, allowing him to basic attack right after using the spell. The champion had a 35 percent winrate prior to the buffs, according to a Reddit post earlier today. While many new champions are weaker upon release than initially expected, the reworked Aatrox might have been the worst, if the stats are true.

Теперь перед нами персонаж класса "джагернаут", который способен не только впитывать достаточно много урона, но и наносить его своим обидчикам. Сохранилась, хоть и оказавшись измененной, механика Колодца Крови, позволявшая Атроксу восстать из мертвых. Теперь она привязана к действию новой ультимативной способности.

Или например Гарен хоть и не мобильный но просто будит наказывать Атрокса своей Q так как эффект молчания. А и в Лейте он просто мясо если в фулл АД. Урон в тимфайтах маленький из за хитбокса Q вблизи он вообще ничего не сделает. Да у него 2 а то и 3 жизни, что не сомненный плюс для него. В целом он похож на Пантеона очень сильный в начале но слабый в в конце.

Umbral Dash is short, hence it can also pass through thin walls. R World Ender Releases his demonic form increasing his attack, healing and decaying movement speed. Physical vamp is also increased. Aatrox Early Game Guide Aatrox does not have enough mobility in his kit. That said, in our Wild Rift Aatrox Guide, it is optimal for him not to extend as this will make him more vulnerable to ganks. During duels, make the most out of your first ability and enhanced auto from your passive to easily win it. Aatrox Late Game Guide In our Wild Rift Aatrox late game guide, it is recommended for him to stick with his team and seek opportunities. Teamfights during this time will be more crucial so it is suggested not to commit to a teamfight when your ultimate is offline. During skirmishes, try to focus on key targets such as the carries. This will zone them out, and if your damage is enough, you might even get a kill.

League of Legends — Гайд по герою Aatrox (Атрокс)

statistically derived tier list, win rates and frequency. Data on the best items and builds on Aatrox. Playing Aatrox on 5 Accounts!W. champions. Aatrox. All Aatrox Skins. Browse News Tournaments Matches. Privacy policy Terms of use About Us. Aatrox build used by the best Aatrox players in the world. Based on runes and items from high elo Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Aatrox OTPs and mains. Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Aatrox decks.

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