Новости топ нхл по очкам

Сводный список НХЛ — это список лучших «снайперов», показывающий хоккеистов-бомбардиров с наибольшим количеством набранных очков и забитых голов в Национальной хоккейной лиги до того, как лига выпустила специальные трофеи для таких достижений. Таким образом, Овечкин превзошёл по этому показателю Джо Торнтона (1539 очков в 1714 матчах), заняв чистое 13-е место среди лучших бомбардиров в истории чемпионатов НХЛ.

Одноклубник Малкина вошел в десятку лучших бомбардиров в истории НХЛ

За 68 матчей он забил 23 шайбы и сделал 55 ассистов. Не самой выразительной была игра вратаря Сергея Бобровского. Зато в этом сезоне Бобровский одержал 354 победы в регулярных чемпионатах НХЛ и обошел предыдущего рекордсмена по этому показателю среди российских голкиперов — Евгения Набокова. Коэффициент надежности, или КН — среднее количество шайб, которое вратарь пропускает за игру Самое интересное для болельщиков «Флориды» началось в плей-офф.

В первом раунде команда отыгралась со счета 1:3 у сильнейшего клуба регулярного чемпионата — «Бостон Брюинз». Второй и третий раунды оказались для подопечных Пола Мориса спокойнее. Сперва они уверенно прошли «Торонто Мэйпл Лифс» со счетом 4:1, а затем всухую сыграли с «Каролина Харрикейнз» — второй командой регулярного чемпионата по набранным очкам.

В финале «Флорида» заметно просела и выиграла лишь один матч у «Вегаса», а в остальных четырех уступила с общим счетом по шайбам 9:24. Вратарь спасал свою команду даже в безнадежных ситуациях. Безусловным лидером команды по очкам остался Мэттью Ткачук.

В 20 играх он забил 11 голов и сделал 13 передач — по сумме очков это четвертый результат среди всех участников розыгрыша Кубка Стэнли. Но все произошло ровно наоборот: «медведи» завершили регулярный чемпионат с большим отрывом от остальных команд, набрав 135 очков за 82 игры. Они обогнали ближайшего преследователя — «Каролина Харрикейнз» — на целых 22 очка.

А заодно побили предыдущий рекорд по очкам за сезон, установленный в 1977 году «Монреаль Канадиенс» — 132 очка за 80 игр. Достичь таких результатов команде в первую очередь помогли шведский вратарь Линус Улльмарк и чешский нападающий Давид Пастрняк. А Пастрняк попал в тройку самых результативных полевых игроков, забросив 61 шайбу — на три меньше лучшего снайпера лиги.

Второе место и 140 очков у канадского форварда "Колорадо Эвеланш" Натана Маккиннона. Замыкает тройку лидеров канадский капитан клуба "Эдмонтон Ойлерз" Коннор Макдэвид, на его счету 132 очка. Кучеров всего лишь второй российский хоккеист в истории, кому удалось заполучить "Арт Росс Трофи" более одного раза.

Никите удалось отметиться голевой передачей в этой игре, увеличив свой счет до 147 очков в текущем сезоне. Этот показатель позволил Кучерову обойти Драйзайтля в списке лучших снайперов Национальной хоккейной лиги по количеству очков, набранных за один сезон. Следующий поединок серии может стать решающим для Никиты Кучерова и "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг", поскольку на данный момент счет в серии 0:3 в пользу "Флориды".

Марио Лемье 4 раза, лучший результат 199 очков 3. Стив Айзерман 1 раз, лучший результат 155 очков 4. Коннор Макдэвид 1 раз, лучший результат 153 очка 5.

Фил Эспозито 1 раз, лучший результат 152 очка 6. Бобби Орр 6 раз, лучший результат 139 очков 2. Пол Коффи 5 раз, лучший результат 138 очков 3. Дени Потвен 1 раз, лучший результат 101 очко 4.


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Одноклубник Малкина вошел в десятку лучших бомбардиров в истории НХЛ

Follow the top teams and make Eurosport your go-to source for Ice Hockey tables and results. В сезоне-2007/08 Александр Овечкин забросил 65 шайб, и этот показатель был лучшим в НХЛ XXI века. Хоккей, Национальная хоккейная лига, НХЛ: турнирная таблица, матчи, новости, прогнозы, бомбардиры, статистика, плей офф, участники, пары, расписание, где смотреть онлайн, таблица конференций, трансляции, сетка, Кубок Стэнли 2023, обладатели, с кем играют россияне.

Мэттьюс вошел в топ-5 хоккеистов НХЛ с 70+ шайбами за сезон

Никита Кучеров вышел на 22-е место в истории НХЛ по очкам в плей-офф. 38-летний россиянин вышел на чистое 13-е место в списке лучших бомбардиров НХЛ, обогнав Джо Торнтона (1539 очков в 1714 играх). Прогнозы на НХЛ. Топ матчи. Национальная Хоккейная Лига НХЛ.

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Никита Кучеров пробился в топ-30 игроков в истории НХЛ по очкам в одном сезоне

Bankier makes smart plays at a high pace which has allowed him to compete well in the AHL this year. The 6-foot-8, 249-pound winger made the jump to North America last season where he looked good but not great in 41 games split between the NHL and AHL. Svozil played two seasons in the WHL and looked like an excellent pickup, especially after he dominated play at the 2023 World Juniors. He is a two-way defender whose game is entirely predicated on his excellent four-way mobility which allows him to be active on both offense and defense. Svozil is a very intelligent player, and his skating allows him to play the game at the same wicked speed that he thinks the game. Ryan Chesley, RD, Washington Capitals Ryan Chesley is a physical defenseman who will never fill up the score sheet but can win a ton of puck battles and create subtle advantages for teammates. He is a focused and intelligent defensive player, breaking up plays and separating opponents from the puck consistently. Chesley could be a good fit next to a more dynamic offensive threat in the NHL, much like he has been whenever he lines up for Team USA in international play where he has often been paired with Lane Hutson. He has some good skill with the puck but is not a very consistent puck mover himself, as he struggles to make hard breakout passes, often deferring to a linemate or making a much more safe and simple play with significantly lower upside. Lukas Cormier is a scorer and a facilitator on the blue line who has not been limited by his lack of size 5-foot-10.

Zach Dean, C, St. Dean was never a high-end points guy, with his highest season total in the QMJHL, a notoriously high-scoring league, being just 70. His speed and hands are quite good and have served him well so far with the Springfield Thunderbirds. A fifth-round pick in the 2020 draft by the New York Islanders, he can dish the puck just as well as he can bury it. Gaucher is the ideal bottom-six center who can contribute on offense while also providing a ton of defensive value at even strength and on the penalty kill so I think the fit is near-perfect. Owen Pickering, LD, Pittsburgh Penguins Owen Pickering is a large defenseman who skates really well for his size and is still a bit raw as a result of a massive growth spurt he experienced shortly before his draft season. Now 6-foot-4, Pickering has still not been able to add significant muscle onto his frame, making him look a bit lanky on the ice despite his smooth skating. He has the tools to be a high-end defender in the NHL someday, but he rarely puts them all together at the same time and looks much more likely to be a good full-time NHLer rather than a top-pairing type. Prospects 90-81 90.

Mikhail Gulyayev, LD, Colorado Avalanche Mikhail Gulyayev is an intelligent, offensively-minded defenseman who found moderate success in the top Russian pro leagues last year while dominating the Russian junior circuit whenever he plays against his peers. He is a mobile defenseman who fits the mold of the modern puck-moving defender and power play quarterback. Gulyayev has earned a larger role in the KHL this year and his point production has improved steadily as well. The biggest question is if he will be able to defend in the NHL, as his defensive game looks underwhelming at times, even against his own age-group. He has been excellent in the NCAA so far this year, sitting in a tie for the sixth-most points in all of college hockey at the time of writing. Zachary Bolduc, C, St. Louis Blues Zachary Bolduc is an offensive centerman that has the ability to make defensemen look silly. The 17th pick of the 2021 draft had a wildly successful 2021-22 season in the QMJHL, recording 99 points while playing for a high-octane Quebec Remparts team. Bolduc followed that up with a 110 point season and a Memorial Cup championship as one of the most important players on the best team in the CHL.

Louis Blues The way Otto Stenberg dodges checks and evades pressure is impressive, but the way he attacks the middle of the ice is what I like most about him. Stenberg has played well in a larger role in the SHL so far this year and was great for Sweden at the 2024 World Juniors where he scored an impressive nine points in seven game, including five goals. He followed that up with a dominant season in the Liiga where he scored at a point-per-game pace. Then he came to North America at the start of last season and looked good but not great as he split the year between the New York Islanders and the Vancouver Canucks, as well as each of their AHL affiliates. Gracyn Sawchyn, C, Florida Panthers Gracyn Sawchyn has a very high motor and is constantly skating and making small, smart plays all over the ice. He skates well enough to compete in the NHL someday and fights hard on defense which is nice to see. He creates a ton of scoring chances and goals for himself due to his agility and skill, and not due to strength or a special shot. He shows great speed, edges, and confidence in his movement when attacking off the rush and he always has the opposition on their heels trying to predict his next move. Morrow has produced a ton of offense in the NCAA, accumulating 64 points in 72 games through his freshman and sophomore seasons, with another 30-40 point season likely on the way this season.

Prospects 80-71 80. So far, he has been a rewarding prospect for the Blue Jackets who selected Dumais in the third round, 96th overall. Related: 2023-24 NHL Calder Trophy Predictions The reason he had to wait until the third round to hear his name called was his small frame 5-foot-9 and his unexceptional skating. Dumais has the work ethic to succeed at the pro level despite his size, but he will need to take another step forward in his skating if he wants to become the dynamic playmaking winger that he has the potential to become at the highest level. Eduard Sale, RW, Seattle Kraken Eduard Sale is a great offensive winger who led all U20 players in scoring as a 17-year-old in the top Czechian professional league last season. He has struggled a bit against men, looking most comfortable while dictating play from the flanks at even strength and on the power play. He continued to slide in his draft year as his game was a bit underwhelming with the exception of his Hlinka Gretzky tournament performance which was doing a lot of the heavy lifting of keeping him in the top 10 conversation. His seven points in seven World Juniors games are cause for optimism. Tanner Molendyk, LD, Nashville Predators Tanner Molendyk was one of the best skaters in the 2023, with only Oliver Moore beating him out when it comes to edgework specifically.

He missed the World Juniors with an injury but will be eligible to join Canada there again next year where he should be a massive factor for them. Molendyk has scored a ton this year in the WHL, roughly doubling his scoring rate from last season. The way he positions his stick and body in the defensive zone makes the lives of his opponents really difficult, forcing them to go around him which he can often counter by simply continuing to force them outside. He supports the puck carrier on the rush, giving his teammates an option whenever they get themselves in trouble, never flying the zone to search for offense of his own. After posting only one goal and two points in 12 games in 2020-21 with Avangard Omsk in the Kontinental Hockey League KHL , he broke out to the tune of 16 goals and 28 points in 39 games two seasons ago. He has another year and a half on his KHL contract, but the Devils could be looking at a player with significant offensive talent when he finally comes over, something that would be a huge difference maker for them as they hit the inevitable cap crunch of a young contending team. While his lack of size at 5-foot-9 will always attract the doubters, his shiftiness and playmaking are more than enough to overcome that supposed weakness. Whatever switch he flipped in that year, whatever fuel he gained by being undrafted, has quickly made him one of the best prospects in hockey. Mazur had an excellent NCAA career, scoring 75 points in only 81 games.

His persistence and nose for the net will make him a respected and perhaps feared player in the NHL one day, and has already made him an effective AHL player. Seamus Casey, RD, New Jersey Devils There are always a few first-round-caliber talents who drop in their draft year in large part to their size disadvantage, and Seamus Casey is certainly one of them.

Eichel was a beast in his first-ever postseason appearance and led the entire league with 26 points in 22 games. Barbashev proved to be a perfect complementary piece and wreaked havoc with 18 points while ranking second on the team with 64 hits. On a collaborative front, the unit owned a commanding 72.

In 540 minutes with the high-octane duo on the ice at five-on-five last season, the Toronto Maple Leafs owned 57. Matthews and Marner made their debuts in 2016-17.

Думаю, именно это делает его таким опасным». Эрик Карлссон, защитник, «Питтсбург Пингвинз» 28. Расмус Далин, защитник, «Баффало Сэйбрз» 27. Тейдж Томпсон, нападающий, «Баффало Сэйбрз» 26. Элиас Петтерссон, нападающий, «Ванкувер Кэнакс» 25.

Чарли Макэвой, защитник, «Бостон Брюинз» 24.

Svozil played two seasons in the WHL and looked like an excellent pickup, especially after he dominated play at the 2023 World Juniors. He is a two-way defender whose game is entirely predicated on his excellent four-way mobility which allows him to be active on both offense and defense.

Svozil is a very intelligent player, and his skating allows him to play the game at the same wicked speed that he thinks the game. Ryan Chesley, RD, Washington Capitals Ryan Chesley is a physical defenseman who will never fill up the score sheet but can win a ton of puck battles and create subtle advantages for teammates. He is a focused and intelligent defensive player, breaking up plays and separating opponents from the puck consistently.

Chesley could be a good fit next to a more dynamic offensive threat in the NHL, much like he has been whenever he lines up for Team USA in international play where he has often been paired with Lane Hutson. He has some good skill with the puck but is not a very consistent puck mover himself, as he struggles to make hard breakout passes, often deferring to a linemate or making a much more safe and simple play with significantly lower upside. Lukas Cormier is a scorer and a facilitator on the blue line who has not been limited by his lack of size 5-foot-10.

Zach Dean, C, St. Dean was never a high-end points guy, with his highest season total in the QMJHL, a notoriously high-scoring league, being just 70. His speed and hands are quite good and have served him well so far with the Springfield Thunderbirds.

A fifth-round pick in the 2020 draft by the New York Islanders, he can dish the puck just as well as he can bury it. Gaucher is the ideal bottom-six center who can contribute on offense while also providing a ton of defensive value at even strength and on the penalty kill so I think the fit is near-perfect. Owen Pickering, LD, Pittsburgh Penguins Owen Pickering is a large defenseman who skates really well for his size and is still a bit raw as a result of a massive growth spurt he experienced shortly before his draft season.

Now 6-foot-4, Pickering has still not been able to add significant muscle onto his frame, making him look a bit lanky on the ice despite his smooth skating. He has the tools to be a high-end defender in the NHL someday, but he rarely puts them all together at the same time and looks much more likely to be a good full-time NHLer rather than a top-pairing type. Prospects 90-81 90.

Mikhail Gulyayev, LD, Colorado Avalanche Mikhail Gulyayev is an intelligent, offensively-minded defenseman who found moderate success in the top Russian pro leagues last year while dominating the Russian junior circuit whenever he plays against his peers. He is a mobile defenseman who fits the mold of the modern puck-moving defender and power play quarterback. Gulyayev has earned a larger role in the KHL this year and his point production has improved steadily as well.

The biggest question is if he will be able to defend in the NHL, as his defensive game looks underwhelming at times, even against his own age-group. He has been excellent in the NCAA so far this year, sitting in a tie for the sixth-most points in all of college hockey at the time of writing. Zachary Bolduc, C, St.

Louis Blues Zachary Bolduc is an offensive centerman that has the ability to make defensemen look silly. The 17th pick of the 2021 draft had a wildly successful 2021-22 season in the QMJHL, recording 99 points while playing for a high-octane Quebec Remparts team. Bolduc followed that up with a 110 point season and a Memorial Cup championship as one of the most important players on the best team in the CHL.

Louis Blues The way Otto Stenberg dodges checks and evades pressure is impressive, but the way he attacks the middle of the ice is what I like most about him. Stenberg has played well in a larger role in the SHL so far this year and was great for Sweden at the 2024 World Juniors where he scored an impressive nine points in seven game, including five goals. He followed that up with a dominant season in the Liiga where he scored at a point-per-game pace.

Then he came to North America at the start of last season and looked good but not great as he split the year between the New York Islanders and the Vancouver Canucks, as well as each of their AHL affiliates. Gracyn Sawchyn, C, Florida Panthers Gracyn Sawchyn has a very high motor and is constantly skating and making small, smart plays all over the ice. He skates well enough to compete in the NHL someday and fights hard on defense which is nice to see.

He creates a ton of scoring chances and goals for himself due to his agility and skill, and not due to strength or a special shot. He shows great speed, edges, and confidence in his movement when attacking off the rush and he always has the opposition on their heels trying to predict his next move. Morrow has produced a ton of offense in the NCAA, accumulating 64 points in 72 games through his freshman and sophomore seasons, with another 30-40 point season likely on the way this season.

Prospects 80-71 80. So far, he has been a rewarding prospect for the Blue Jackets who selected Dumais in the third round, 96th overall. Related: 2023-24 NHL Calder Trophy Predictions The reason he had to wait until the third round to hear his name called was his small frame 5-foot-9 and his unexceptional skating.

Dumais has the work ethic to succeed at the pro level despite his size, but he will need to take another step forward in his skating if he wants to become the dynamic playmaking winger that he has the potential to become at the highest level. Eduard Sale, RW, Seattle Kraken Eduard Sale is a great offensive winger who led all U20 players in scoring as a 17-year-old in the top Czechian professional league last season. He has struggled a bit against men, looking most comfortable while dictating play from the flanks at even strength and on the power play.

He continued to slide in his draft year as his game was a bit underwhelming with the exception of his Hlinka Gretzky tournament performance which was doing a lot of the heavy lifting of keeping him in the top 10 conversation. His seven points in seven World Juniors games are cause for optimism. Tanner Molendyk, LD, Nashville Predators Tanner Molendyk was one of the best skaters in the 2023, with only Oliver Moore beating him out when it comes to edgework specifically.

He missed the World Juniors with an injury but will be eligible to join Canada there again next year where he should be a massive factor for them. Molendyk has scored a ton this year in the WHL, roughly doubling his scoring rate from last season. The way he positions his stick and body in the defensive zone makes the lives of his opponents really difficult, forcing them to go around him which he can often counter by simply continuing to force them outside.

He supports the puck carrier on the rush, giving his teammates an option whenever they get themselves in trouble, never flying the zone to search for offense of his own. After posting only one goal and two points in 12 games in 2020-21 with Avangard Omsk in the Kontinental Hockey League KHL , he broke out to the tune of 16 goals and 28 points in 39 games two seasons ago. He has another year and a half on his KHL contract, but the Devils could be looking at a player with significant offensive talent when he finally comes over, something that would be a huge difference maker for them as they hit the inevitable cap crunch of a young contending team.

While his lack of size at 5-foot-9 will always attract the doubters, his shiftiness and playmaking are more than enough to overcome that supposed weakness. Whatever switch he flipped in that year, whatever fuel he gained by being undrafted, has quickly made him one of the best prospects in hockey. Mazur had an excellent NCAA career, scoring 75 points in only 81 games.

His persistence and nose for the net will make him a respected and perhaps feared player in the NHL one day, and has already made him an effective AHL player. Seamus Casey, RD, New Jersey Devils There are always a few first-round-caliber talents who drop in their draft year in large part to their size disadvantage, and Seamus Casey is certainly one of them. The 5-foot-9 defender fell to the second round of the 2022 NHL Draft where New Jersey got an absolute steal in my opinion.

Casey is an excellent offensive defenseman with the skating ability to make a real impact in the NHL someday despite his lack of size.

Овечкин вошёл в топ-3 лучших снайперов НХЛ сезона-2023/2024 по версии ESPN, Бедард — 10-й

Официальный сайт Национальной хоккейной лиги предсказал количество очков лидеров команд НХЛ на сезон-2023/2024, в список попали 12 российских игроков. В регулярном чемпионате НХЛ Протас сыграл 78 матчей, набрав 29 (6+23) бомбардирских баллов. is the official website of the National Hockey League. В регулярном чемпионате НХЛ-2023/24 Шарангович провел 82 матча, забросил 31 шайб, набрал 28 ассистентских баллов, при показателе полезности «-29».

Никита Кучеров вышел на третье место по очкам за сезон в НХЛ среди действующих игроков

При этом рекордсменом НХЛ по очкам является Уэйн Гретцки 2857 очков в 1487 матчах , среди действующих хоккеистов капитан «Кэпиталз» уступает лишь нападающему «Питтсбург Пингвинз» Сидни Кросби, занимающему 12-е место по этому показателю 1571 очко в 1259 матчах. Матч закончился победой канадцев со счетом 3:7.

Но последний титул датируется 1967-м — вот уже 56 лет клуб не становился чемпионом. Причем состав у «Мэйпл Лифс» в последние годы полностью подходит для борьбы за Кубок Стэнли — чего стоит только Остон Мэттьюс, который постоянно возглавляет список лучших снайперов НХЛ. Если американец будет поддерживать этот темп в ближайшие годы и обойдется без травм, то через десяток лет замахнется на рекорды Уэйна Гретцки и Александра Овечкина. В этом сезоне у него 69 шайб — с большим отрывом лучший показатель.

Но пока у «Торонто» отношения с плей-офф не складываются — клуб приобрел репутацию «проклятого» в матчах на выбывание. Избавиться от печальной тенденции и в этот раз будет тяжело: первый соперник «Торонто» — «Бостон Брюинз», который дважды обыгрывал «Мэйпл Лифс» в плей-офф это было в 2018-м и 2019-м и вообще традиционно хорош в матчах на выбывание. Защитит ли «Вегас» титул? Действующий обладатель Кубка Стэнли «Вегас Голден Найтс» провел очень неровный сезон: хорошо начали, неплохо закончили, но в середине было многовато для чемпиона поражений. Тем не менее «Голден Найтс» отлично умеют играть в ключевых матчах, а Джонатан Маршессо, Иван Барбашев и Джек Айкел — парни, которые неоднократно выигрывали противостояния в плей-офф и спокойно могут сделать это еще раз.

Поэтому противостояние «Вегаса» с занявшим первое место в Западной конференции «Даллас Старз» несет не меньшую интригу, чем остальные пары. Почему на чемпионатах мира по хоккею не выступают сильнейшие игроки Остальные претенденты на Кубок Стэнли В плей-офф НХЛ все 16 участников претендуют на чемпионство — уровень команд в лиге такой, что аутсайдеров на этом этапе нет. Долгое время «Каролина Харрикейнс» не может совершить прорыв — регулярно выходит в плей-офф, но там не справляется. В этом сезоне к «ураганам» присоединился Евгений Кузнецов — он сильно сдал в «Вашингтоне» и пытается перезапустить карьеру, в чем ему помогает другой российский нападающий высшего уровня Андрей Свечников. Возможно, он станет звеном, которого раньше так не хватало?

Still incredibly young and in the prime of his career, Fox is only improving and adding depth to an already incredibly deep New York Rangers squad, and many are assuming the team and Fox will make a massive splash in 2023. While he may have had a relatively down year in 2022, there should be little doubt that Fox will bounce back. With sky-high expectations on both Eichel and the Golden Knights, 2023 will be a time for both to prove they are the real deal.

Также «Бостон», который победил в седьмом матче подряд, обновил рекорд клуба по победам на домашнем льду — 34. Ранее клуб досрочно стал победителем регулярного чемпионата лиги.

В составе «Брюинз» выступает российский защитник Дмитрий Орлов.

НХЛ 2023/2024 таблицы - общая, дома/в гостях таблица

NHL Latest Results, NHL Current Season's Scores. В топ-5 лучших бомбардиров плей-офф НХЛ среди россиян также феноменальный Сергей Зубов — единственный защитник в списке. Это позволило лучшему бомбардиру регулярного чемпионата-2024 выйти на 27-е место в истории НХЛ по очкам в одном сезоне. NHL results on have all the latest NHL scores, tables, fixtures and match information.

Овечкин и Сорокин вошли в топ-30 действующих игроков, по версии NHL Network

Капитан и нападающий «Питтсбурга» Сидни Кросби вошел в десятку лучших бомбардиров в истории Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). Get the latest statistics for every Natinal Hockey League (NHL) player. Filter by Forwards, Defencemen, Goalies as well as aggregated Team Stats. Национальная хоккейная лига (НХЛ) Хоккей Кубок Стэнли Торонто Мейпл Лифс Бостон Брюинз Илья Самсонов Илья Любушкин. Предвкушая начало нового регулярного чемпионата, аналитики, эксперты и ведущие эфира NHL Network составили рейтинг 50 лучших действующих игроков лиги.

Регулярный чемпионат

Марио Лемье 4 раза, лучший результат 199 очков 3. Стив Айзерман 1 раз, лучший результат 155 очков 4. Коннор Макдэвид 1 раз, лучший результат 153 очка 5. Фил Эспозито 1 раз, лучший результат 152 очка 6.

Бобби Орр 6 раз, лучший результат 139 очков 2. Пол Коффи 5 раз, лучший результат 138 очков 3. Дени Потвен 1 раз, лучший результат 101 очко 4.

Нападающий привел «Кэнакс» к первому за 9 лет домашнему плей-офф НХЛ. По ходу чемпионата Вильям подписал крупнейший контракт в истории «Лифс». А завершить регулярку удалось с лучшей статистикой в карьере.

Рейтинг актуален на 19 апреля. Также не пропустите следующие материалы:.

Таким образом, «Рейнджерс» повели в серии — 2-0. Третья игра состоится в Вашингтоне 27 апреля. Стартовая сирена прозвучит в 02:00 по московскому времени.

Ранее Овечкин объяснил свою ошибку, которая привела к победному голу «Рейнджерс».

Никите удалось отметиться голевой передачей в этой игре, увеличив свой счет до 147 очков в текущем сезоне. Этот показатель позволил Кучерову обойти Драйзайтля в списке лучших снайперов Национальной хоккейной лиги по количеству очков, набранных за один сезон. Следующий поединок серии может стать решающим для Никиты Кучерова и "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг", поскольку на данный момент счет в серии 0:3 в пользу "Флориды".

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