Новости митч макконнелл

Next week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will return to the upper chamber after spending five weeks away recovering from a concussion and fall. На прошлой неделе Митч Макконнелл проголосовал против импичмента Трампу, но возложил на него ответственность за беспорядки в Капитолии 6 января.

Леонков назвал угрозу, исходящую от ракет ATACMS

На прошлой неделе Митч Макконнелл проголосовал против импичмента Трампу, но возложил на него ответственность за беспорядки в Капитолии 6 января. Mitch mcconnell, senate republican leader. Mitch McConnell won't get his old job as Senate majority leader back in January after voters decided to let Democrats keep control of Congress' upper chamber. Журналист Такер Карлсон виноват в задержке утверждения проекта в США о помощи Киеву, считает лидер республиканцев в сенате Митч Макконнелл.

Лидер республиканцев в Сенате США вновь «завис» во время выступления

The 81-year-old Kentucky Republican, who is the longest-serving party leader in Senate history, had to be escorted away from a lectern by colleagues in a startling moment that came four months after he suffered a concussion and a broken rib from a fall in March. But McConnell has fallen at least two other times this year — once at a Washington, D. The source, who asked for anonymity in order to speak freely, noted the GOP leader has still been walking around the Capitol for the past few months, delivering floor remarks and leading media stakeouts. But as a safeguard, the source said, McConnell has been using a wheelchair in certain circumstances. What about the other falls?

McConnell also fell in February during a trip in Finland as part of a U.

Carlson continued advocating against aid for Ukraine even after he was fired by Fox News in April 2023. After starting his own media company, Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin in February which further angered supporters of Ukraine.

После того, как в нижней палате американского парламента проголосовали за импичмент Трампу, Митч Макконнелл отказался созывать Сенат на экстренное голосование по этому вопросу. Несколько конгрессменов-республиканцев поддержали импичмент в Палате представителей. Позже СМИ сообщили, что Трампа весьма беспокоят случаи дезертирства в партии республиканцев. А Макконнелл уже заявлял в частных переговорах, что партии республиканцев «пора избавиться от трампизма».

President said the staff should get back together. But I was very clear with the president, we have now just two weeks to go. He refused. There are probably some places we can agree and some places we can compromise, hopefully but that has to occur as part of the budget appropriations process.

Лидер республиканцев в конгрессе США замер во время пресс-конференции

In his statement, McConnell accused Carlson of aiding in the demonization of Ukraine, claiming he was responsible for convincing a lot of members of the Republican party that passing the bill would be a mistake. As most folks are aware, Carlson is a political commentator and journalist, not a politician, so does McConnell really have a reason for blaming him? He does, and it can be traced back to February 2024. The interviewee? None other than Russian President Vladimir Putin.

McConnell specifically called out former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for opposing funding more foreign aid for Ukraine. Carlson continued advocating against aid for Ukraine even after he was fired by Fox News in April 2023.

What about the other falls? McConnell also fell in February during a trip in Finland as part of a U. He reportedly dusted himself off and continued his activities, according to CNN , which first reported that fall. We were all walking in together. Thom Tillis, R-N. In 2019, he tripped and fell at his home in Louisville, Ky.

Как отмечает The Hill, это может сделать украинский конфликт и поддержку Украины со стороны США главной проблемой в президентской гонке между Байденом и бывшим президентом Дональдом Трампом, а также в борьбе за большинство в палате представителей и сенате между Республиканской или Демократической партиями.

Mitch McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, uses wheelchair: What we know

Противники выделения помощи признают победу лидера республиканцев в сенате США Митча Макконнелла, «протолкнувшего» законопроект через конгресс в этом раунде дебатов. Why is Mitch McConnell suddenly unable to perform his basic job duties? Лидер республиканского меньшинства в американском Сенате, 82-летний Митч Макконнелл решил покинуть свой пост. Read the latest news and analysis on Mitch McConnell.

Секреты Макконнелла

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stood by his past comments that presidents should not have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for their actions while in office. Mitch McConnell’s Sister-In-Law Died After Accidentally Reversing Tesla Into Pond: Report. daddymitchmcconnell. Mitch McConnell. Follow. 54Following. 5375Followers. 520KLikes. А это, на секундочку, первое лицо в республиканской партии США, лидер республиканского большинства в Сенате Конгресса, господин Митч Макконнелл. Mitch mcconnell, senate republican leader.

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