Новости алтимейт человек паук 2024

THE NEW ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN FOR A NEW ULTIMATE UNIVERSE!Visionary writer Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X/POWERS OF X) and acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto (DAREDEVIL) bring you a bold new take on Spider-Man, with this, the debut title of the new line of Ultimate Comics. эксклюзивный контент от Dev the Geek, подпишись и получи доступ первым! Кадры из Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) / Marvel Comics. Получив возможность стать Человеком-пауком, Паркер думает, что вот оно — его место, и тут же совершает ряд нелепых ошибок.

Avengers, Spider-Man, X-Men and all of Marvel's April 2024 solicitations revealed

Том Холланд подтвердил своё участие в четвёртом фильме о Человеке-пауке, что станет его четвёртым проектом в роли этого супергероя. GIANT-SIZE SPIDER-MAN #1. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) Алтимейт Человек-Паук(2024). Spider-Man's 2024 MCU Return Gets New Title & New Spider-Suit Confirmed. SPIDER-MAN™: NO WAY HOME Special Features Preview. индустриального инсайдера Дэниеля Рихтмана, начало производства четвертого фильма о Человеке-пауке с Томом Холландом в главной роли запланировано на конец 2024 года.

Ultimate Spider-Man [2024]

Everything changes, though, when a pair of freedom fighters enter the fray: Ultimate Killmonger and Ultimate Storm! Plus, prepare for the next evolutionary step of the Ultimate Universe as a powerful new hero debuts! May 15, 2024 Ultimate X-Men 3 Mei Igarashi was a regular girl until she discovered her unusual abilities and her hair changed from brown to white… Now, learn how and why she came to idolize a mysterious freedom fighter in Africa who also harnesses the power of the storm! May 22, 2024 Ultimate Black Panther 4 Shuri seizes the throne! Meanwhile, Black Panther must learn from his new allies, the freedom fighters Killmonger and Storm!

Совсем скоро этому было суждено измениться. Одним из первых решений Джемаса стала замена главного редактора — его место занял Джо Кесада. До этого момента Кесада пару лет рулил инициативой «Рыцари Marvel». Её фокусом были персонажи второй линии, вроде Сорвиголовы, Карателя и Чёрной пантеры, и каждый из них тогда заметно прибавил в популярности: редактор пригласил ряд талантливых авторов из независимых комиксов и поощрял эксперименты. Появление вселенной с молодыми версиями персонажей — никак не объяснять чтобы не нагружать новоприбывших и просто выпускать посвященные ей комиксы параллельно основному континууму чтобы не потерять фанатов классики. Вместе с ним в новой инициативе Marvel появятся секс и повышенная жесткость, но также станут современее затрагиваемые темы — к свойственному супергероике крушению городов будут подходить серьёзнее, после теракта 2001 года карикатурное злодейство уступит место терроризму. Миллар деконструировал и критиковал классические архетипы — «хорошие парни» в его исполнении нечасто были хорошими людьми. Вместо работы с актуальной повесткой, он нацелился на вечные вопросы — взросление и ответственность. Вместо деконструкции и критики сценарист старался наполнять комиксы вдохновением и надеждой. Бендис на тот момент был малоизвестным независимым автором, который до этого в основном писал истории о криминале. В Marvel о нём узнали от друга-художника, работавшего над Marvel Knights. После ряда неудачных питчей от других кандидатов, расписать своё видение первой истории о перезапущенном Человеке-пауке предложили и Брайану. Если при первом появлении Человек-паук проделал путь до супергеройского костюма за 11 страниц, здесь это заняло у него пять выпусков. Человек-паук, поразивший аудиторию 1960-х годов своей реалистичностью, сделал это снова. Комикс мгновенно завоевал сердца читателей. Чудо удалось воспроизвести. Ещё до начала Ultimate-инициативы Багли успел стать ветераном Человека-паука, и был очень удивлён, что при «классическом» художественном стиле его позвали в проект, главной «фишкой» которого была новизна. Потом Марк признавался, что не сильно верил в успех комикса и при работе над первыми выпусками не всегда понимал, чего от него хочет Бендис. Авторы не сразу нашли общий язык, но со временем прониклись взаимоуважением и многому друг у друга научились.

Он отметил, что «пока не работает» над фильмом, а Marvel вряд ли заинтересованы в проекте из-за успеха фильмов с Томом Холландом.

Актёр выразил благодарность персонажу, отметив, что Человек-паук сыграл значительную роль в его жизни и карьере, и он с нетерпением ждёт начала новых съёмок, передает ИА Stavropol. Над созданием сюжета, каким бы он ни был, работают лучшие в своем деле", — заявил Холланд. Кроме того, Холланд раскрыл, что в новом проекте он также будет участвовать в написании сценария.

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024 - Present)

For fans of Avengers: Endgame , just like with the infamous "Hail, Hydra" line, the writers managed to take the three most hated words in the Spider-Man fandom and turn it into something that tugs at your heartstrings. The one that May likes the most? The classic and iconic red-and-blue Spider-man costume! Then they decide to "take it for a ride" via some web-swinging through the skyline with May getting a piggy-back ride from her father. When Peter encounters the Green Goblin, the latter comments on the suit calling it interesting with the implication being he was being sarcastic about the design. Green Goblin: I bet some people think its cool.

Peter: [Annoyed].....

Самое интересное о кино на YouTube канале Игромании! В ней есть ряд важных отличий от условного канона. К примеру, Питер Паркер получат сверхспособности не в юном возрасте, а в 35 лет.

Релиз первого номера 5 июня. Далее Ultimate X-Men 4. До этого было известно о двух школьницах мутантках: Хисако и Мейсторм. Одна создаёт энергетический экзоскелет, вторая управляет погодой. Теперь появится ещё 4.

Также будет введено два совершенно новых персонажа: Мори и Натсу. В общем, состав Ультимативных Радиоактивных Людей расширится в 4-ом выпуске. Работает над серией Пич Момоко. Номер выйдет 12 июня. Переходим к Ultimate Spider-Man 6.

Гарри, подавленный смертью своего отца и сожалеющий о натянутых отношениях, которые были между ними, покидает город и уходит в запой, прежде чем вернуться в Нью-Йорк, чтобы навестить могилу своего отца. Питер прибывает в квартиру Харрисонов в образе Человека-паука, встречается и сближается с Тимом, который видит в Человеке-пауке героя, несмотря на то, что говорит о нем пресса. Однако, когда его спрашивают о том, что случилось с «девушкой на мосту», Питер убеждает Тима, что он не герой, утверждая, что его происхождение было несчастным случаем и что он стал Человеком-пауком только из-за эгоистичных желаний. Питер бросает Тима, но мать Тима убеждает Питера помириться с мальчиком, желая дать ему надежду в его последние дни. Питер извиняется и даже снимает маску перед Тимом, который узнает в Питере фотографа Человека-паука.

Сэм Рэйми уже подумал о возможных конфликтах сюжета «Человека-паука 4»

Алтимейт строилась на дерзких и провокационных ходах и протянула немногим больше десятилетия, после чего встретила свой конец в Секретных Войнах 2015 года. Алтимейт строилась на дерзких и провокационных ходах и протянула немногим больше десятилетия, после чего встретила свой конец в Секретных Войнах 2015 года. Ultimate Spider-Man is Marvel's first real hit of 2024, as Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checcheto's reboot of the reboot finds sales and critical success. эксклюзивный контент от Dev the Geek, подпишись и получи доступ первым! Ultimate Spider-Man (2000 series) #1 cover by Joe Quesada and Steve Firchow. Bleeding Cool came to play with Ultimate Spider-Man spoilers yesterday, and today we're looking for newspaper headlines.

На австралийском телевидении показывают рекламу Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 с живыми актёрами

За этим последует Ultimate Universe 1, одиночный выпуск, написанный Хикманом с иллюстрациями Стефано Казелли, выход которого намечен на ноябрь и который создаст предпосылки для новых комиксов Ultimate-линейки, среди которых Ultimate Spider—Man — первый анонсированный. Будет ли новый Человек—паук Питером? Одним из самых больших вопросов является то, как этот новый комикс будет отличаться от старого Ultimate Spider-Man. Ultimate Invasion 1 он заканчивается тем, что Создатель, злой Рид Ричардс из оригинальной Вселенной Ultimate, использует путешествие во времени, чтобы предотвратить укус радиоактивного паука Питера Паркера Земли-6160. Таким образом, неизвестно, будет ли это Питер?

Connors later turns himself in to the police afterward for his creation of Carnage. The character is able to shoot organic webbing out of her fingertips, without the need of web-shooters. Jessica also discovers, much to her disgust, that her creator is none other than Otto Octavius.

Together, they manage to defeat him. However, whereas Peter is ready to turn himself in to Nick Fury, Jessica promptly leaves to escape incarceration. In Ultimate Spider-Man 129, she made her public debut as a superhero. At the conclusion of the Ultimate Doom story arc, she enlists in S. Taking revenge, she steals a priceless artifact that he was going to use on his comatose wife. Hardy is interested in Spider-Man romantically, but in Ultimate Spider-Man 85, when she sees that he is a 15-year-old boy, she vomits on his costume out of embarrassment. She offers support and comfort to Spider-Man whenever the strain of being a crime-fighter becomes too much for him.

She was secretly working for the Kingpin, and was rumored to have been his lover as well. Punisher killed her in Ultimate Spider-Man Annual 2. He develops an experimental drug called "OZ". He is a scientific genius, especially in genetics. He is killed by Carol Danvers after he requested it, due to feelings of guilt over killing his own son, but is later revealed that he survived, and that neither Danvers nor S. D ever figured out a way to actually kill him after that. This seems to be one of the first if not the first version of him where he does not wear a costume, but his body is actually mutated into a monster to be the Green Goblin.

He is responsible for the death of Spider-Man in the Ultimate universe, prior to his revival. He is described as "scary smart" by Harry. The four cybernetic arms he uses to manipulate hazardous matter were permanently melded to his flesh in the explosion that turns Osborn into the Green Goblin. He has been shown to have good fighting abilities, and once even managed to capture Spider-Man. In "Hollywood", he says that all he wanted was "a decent life". In the same story, he captures, unmasks, humiliates and tortures Peter for recent defeats and for ruining his life. During the "Ultimate Clone Saga", Doctor Octavius reveals that he played a huge role in the creation of the clones.

Also during the saga, he reveals that he in fact controls metal, similar to Magneto , and does not need actual "arms", but he has become good at using his mechanical "arms". Octavius was murdered by Norman Osborn in the "Death of Spider-Man" story arc, because Octavius had decided that he no longer bore a grudge against Peter nor wished to continue being a criminal, and tried to back out as well as asking Norman to do the same and give up his vendetta. Their late fathers were lab partners who were at the second stage of developing a genetically created " suit " designed as a cure for terminal malady, meant to bond to the user and protect them from internal and external harm. The suit is tailored for a specific DNA, and the person to whom it belongs can control the suit more easily. If, however, someone uses a suit designed for somebody else, they are constantly damaged by the suit which requires nourishment, gained by feeding on organic flesh, to function. If bonded to an incompatible host, the Venom suit begins consuming them almost immediately, forcing them to feed to sustain it or die themselves. When taking a host, the organic matter that comprises the suit completely envelops the host, regardless of resistance, temporarily blinding it, before encasing itself in a hard, purple casing, similar to a pupa , as it bonds further with the host.

When the host emerges, the suit then shifts its appearance and function to assist its host, such as creating eyes for it to see through, or tries to take it over, inducing a homicidal rage and attempting to feed itself if bonded with an incompatible host. He was captured by the Beetle and delivered to Latveria, after which he has a cameo in The Ultimates 3 attacking the team. He knows Spider-Man is a teenager, but he does not know his name. The Kingpin was later murdered by Mysterio. Dillon gained his powers from a genetic tampering experiment orchestrated by Justin Hammer. During his final battle against Peter Parker, Electro was shot in the chest by May Parker, defending her nephew, and causing Electro to short out. He survived and fought Miles Morales twice.

He wants to kill Spider-Man to boost his ratings. After his defeat, he briefly tampers with his DNA that enables him to assume a gruesome animalistc-like appearance.

Вместе они узнают, что значит быть мутантом в Алтимэйт Вселенной, исследуя свои новые умения и поразительную связь с фольклором, легендами и магией! Но Стив Роджерс все еще существует, путешествуя по США, где свобода — это иллюзия, где Мстители — чужаки, а его друзья давно умерли. Но как же Мечта? Как собрать Мстителей в мире, которому они не нужны? Второй выпуск также запланирован на январь, в нем обещают столкновение команды Защитников против военного стрелка Меченого. А теперь главное событие года — эпоха Кракоа заканчивается.

От вершин Кракоа — их славной нации, места, где они были в безопасности и счастливы — до самого дна. Объявлены вне закона, преследуются, убиты, большая часть их вида пропала без вести, и теперь один из их величайших лидеров, Циклоп, предстает перед судом, где ему грозит смертная казнь. Готовы они или нет, пришло время Людям Икс дать последний бой. Здесь и сейчас.

Также писали Паркера из нулевых. Но и ключевой посыл у историй обоих Питеров один — ты ошибался и ошибёшься ещё, но ты учишься. Это подросшие за пару десятилетий фанаты прошлого Питера, которым тоже сейчас около тридцати. Раньше представить Паука в этом возрасте было сложно, так как редактура упорно запирала его в образе молодого холостяка поздних двадцати.

Новая вселенная учитывает последние нововведения в мифологии Человека-паука, но опять же сохраняет их на уровне концепта. Так, Джона Джеймсон теперь поддерживает Питера а в каноне — ещё и знает, что он прячется под маской. Однако раз «Дейли Бьюгл» изначально писал о супергерое очерняющие статьи, газета это делает и здесь — так что Джона из неё в первом же выпуске уходит. В 2022-м они в тандеме написали короткий сюжет о Человеке-пауке в посвященном его 60-летнему юбилею комиксе Amazing Fantasy 1000. Хикман даже был номинирован за него на комиксный аналог «Оскара» — премию Уилла Айснера. Что ж, ты ничем этого не заслужил... И нет, это не потому, что ты что-то делаешь не так. С удачей у тебя тоже всё в порядке.

Хочешь скажу, сколько ещё продлятся твои страдания? И ты протянешь столько, сколько потребуется. Сколько будет нужно людям. Падая, ты будешь подниматься снова и снова. Потому, что ты — Человек-паук. Не упустите возможность познакомиться с новым хорошо забытым старым , современным, великим, совершенным Человеком-пауком.

Сэм Рэйми уже подумал о возможных конфликтах сюжета «Человека-паука 4»

'Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse' was removed from its scheduled 2024 release date as Sony Pictures postponed their upcoming blockbusters. Новости кино Том Холланд Человек-паук. Читать мангу Абсолютный Человек-Паук (2024) (Ultimate Spider-Man (2024)) онлайн на русском.

«Надеюсь, будет достойный злодей»: Сэм Рэйми — о «Человеке-пауке 4» с Тоби Магуайром

Сэм Рэйми поделился идеями сюжета для потенциального «Человека-Паука 4» Он считает, что большую роль в истории сыграет прошлое героя между третьей и четвертой частью Владислав Безруков сегодня в 14:23 Режиссер первой трилогии «Человек-паук» Сэм Рэйми порассуждал о сюжете возможного четвертого фильма с Тоби Магуайром в главной роли. Он считает, что при производстве картины не стоит омолаживать персонажа, но будет важным рассказать о событиях в жизни героя, которые произошли после картины «Человек-паук 3: Враг в отражении».

Wait, so what does happen in Ultimate Spider-Man 1, anyway? He completely understands if you have problems understanding his accent.

Питер прибывает в квартиру Харрисонов в образе Человека-паука, встречается и сближается с Тимом, который видит в Человеке-пауке героя, несмотря на то, что говорит о нем пресса. Однако, когда его спрашивают о том, что случилось с «девушкой на мосту», Питер убеждает Тима, что он не герой, утверждая, что его происхождение было несчастным случаем и что он стал Человеком-пауком только из-за эгоистичных желаний. Питер бросает Тима, но мать Тима убеждает Питера помириться с мальчиком, желая дать ему надежду в его последние дни. Питер извиняется и даже снимает маску перед Тимом, который узнает в Питере фотографа Человека-паука. Питер прощается с Тимом, призывая его оставаться сильным перед лицом страха.

Человек-Паук может пользоваться паутиной для перемещения по городу, сражаться с врагами в ближнем и дальнем бою, а также использовать своё «паучье чутьё» для обнаружения надвигающейся опасности.

Веном же может поглощать жизненную энергию людей и животных для восстановления своего здоровья, прыгать на большие расстояния, разрушать окружающие объекты и выпускать щупальца для атаки. Игра рассказывает о том, как Эдди Брок узнает о том, что его отец и отец Питера Паркера работали над созданием симбиота — живого костюма, который может давать своему носителю сверхспособности. Но проект так и не был завершён.

Ultimate Spider-Man №4

Aunt May seems to be scared of the idea of Peter risking his life on a constant basis, but supports him anyway. After the death of her nephew, she and Gwen Stacy emigrate to France. He is killed by a criminal in a Spider-Man suit, and she blames the real Spider-Man for his death because he became someone criminals could copy in order to hide their identities. While living with the Parkers, Gwen is killed by Carnage, which instills in Peter even more guilt.

In Ultimate Spider-Man 98, Gwen Stacy appears again mysteriously, alive and well, and in Ultimate Spider-Man 100, she is revealed, in a hideous twist of fate, to be the new Carnage, along with being a clone of the original. The examination also reveals no trace of the symbiote. Having witnessed the accident that turned his father into the Green Goblin, he was trained by a psychiatrist to repress these memories.

After reverting to his regular form, Harry is detained by S. D, much to the dismay of Peter. He is seemingly murdered by his father in Ultimate Spider-Man 117.

However, as revealed by a revived Green Goblin that the OZ makes him and Spider-Man immortal, it is possible that Harry might be alive somewhere. For the majority of the series, she is mutant-phobic. It was recently revealed that she herself is a mutant due to her mother being impregnated by the Blob.

She eventually becomes Firestar. Shortly after that, Peter revealed to Liz that he was Spider-Man. Although he dated Kitty Pryde for a short period, they have ostensibly broken up.

Kong has not been seen for a number of issues and may have moved out to the Midwest. As her identity is public, Kitty wears a green and yellow masked costume when she fights alongside Spider-Man to avoid giving away his identity. Their relationship is hard, as they live quite far away from each other.

Their relationship is silently torn apart when Kitty sees Peter kissing Mary Jane. Despite her breakup with Peter, she still retains strong feelings for him. After the events of the Ultimatum wave, he moves in with Peter Parker.

He also dyes his hair black to avoid exposing his secret identity. After the events of the Ultimatum wave, Bobby Drake is kicked out of his home for being a mutant. His most important employees are his right-hand man Robbie Robertson , and his best reporter Ben Urich whose articles helped to take down the Kingpin.

Other members include Peter Parker working as a freelance photographer and web designer who unbeknownst to Jameson is actually Spider-Man , Betty Brant , who works as one of the main secretaries, and Ned Leeds , also working as a reporter. Nick Fury — The tough, powerful, and connected head of S. It is unknown whether Fury will hold on to his promise, as the Ultimates have broken off from S.

He later returned during the events of " Ultimatum ", to finish off Magneto with the help of the X-Men. He and Mary were injured in a related lab accident when Peter was an infant, [20] which led to his adamant refusal to allow his and Edward Brock Sr. Recently, Richard resurfaced; allegedly back from the dead, claiming he did not get on the plane because he did not want involvement in the Venom anti-cancer project anymore.

Since that time, he has been working as an underground scientist for the CIA to combat Nick Fury when and if he one day got out of control. He is last seen in Ultimate Spider-Man 104 aging more rapidly and dying. The real Richard Parker is still deceased.

Before his death, Richard was working on a "molecular adhesive". Peter finished the formula after becoming Spider-Man [21] and uses it to fight crime see Powers and abilities. She died in the plane crash with her husband while Peter was a child.

Connors later turns himself in to the police afterward for his creation of Carnage. The character is able to shoot organic webbing out of her fingertips, without the need of web-shooters. Jessica also discovers, much to her disgust, that her creator is none other than Otto Octavius.

Кроме того, Холланд раскрыл, что в новом проекте он также будет участвовать в написании сценария. Съёмки четвертой части запланированы на конец 2024 года, а это означает, что премьера фильма вряд ли состоится до второй половины 2025 года или даже начала-середины 2026 года. Перед появлением Человека-паука в 1960-х годах подростки в супергеройских комиксах часто выступали в роли помощников главных героев.

While attending a field trip to a scientific corporation, he is bitten by a genetically-modified spider and as a result, begins to develop spider-like superpowers, including enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability and reflexes, along with the ability to crawl solid surfaces and a sixth sense, which warns him of imminent danger, all of which he decides to utilize for personal gain. Now equipped with a responsibility to do good and help others under his Spider-Man alter-ego, Peter struggles to balance high school life and studies, his job as a web designer for the Daily Bugle, his relationship with his girlfriend Mary-Jane Watson, his family life with his widowed aunt, and his double life as Spider-Man, as he faces off against both superhuman and criminal threats to his home of New York City and contends with the hostility of the general public and the police authorities. Ultimate Spider-Man first saw print in 2000 under veteran Spider-Man artist Mark Bagley and writer Brian Michael Bendis , who expanded the original 11-page origin story into a 180-page, seven-issue story arc. This duo continued to collaborate until issue 111, when Mark Bagley left the book and was replaced by Stuart Immonen. After issue 133, the series was relaunched, still written by Bendis with art by David Lafuente , though this relaunch was short-lived. It resumed the Ultimate Spider-Man title with issue 3 and continued with the original numbering with the 16th issue 150 before the series was again cancelled with 160. The direct edition of Ultimate Spider-Man 1 is a highly sought after comic book and considered to be one of the most valuable comic books of the Modern Age. Ultimate Spider-Man was the first series to be published in the Ultimate Marvel line. Publisher Bill Jemas wanted to re-invent the Marvel Universe because he felt that, with over 40 years of backstory, it had become inaccessible to new readers, and he wanted to start with a re-invented Spider-Man. Bagley and writer Brian Michael Bendis had worked on the series together since it began.

The issue was divided into two parts, with Bagley covering the art for one section, and Immonen doing the other. For issues 200 and 234 up, Marvel Legacy considers 54—133 and 150—160 to be wrongly numbered, and accounts for all major Ultimate Spider-Man comics written by Bendis: [11] 1—53 Ultimate Spider-Man vol. Bookish, introverted, quiet and reserved, Peter was a lonely outcast among his high school peers, but was a good-humoured, bright and well-meaning young man, with a keen scientific intellect and was the brightest student in his class. On a science field trip to Oscorp Industries, a mutated spider exposed to the drug OZ, bites Peter in his hand. Instead of dying as expected, Peter begins to manifest various superhuman, arachnid-like powers, such as super-strength, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes and durability, along with the ability to crawl solid surfaces and a precognitive sixth sense, which detects and warns him of unseen danger. On his way home, Peter crosses a market. While he walks through, an armed burglar runs toward him from the market, having robbed a nearby store. When faced with the choice of stopping the armed robber or not, a spiteful Peter refuses to stop him and ignores the robber, since he was still angry from being fired from his wrestling job. The burglar later kills his Uncle Ben in an attempted home invasion. Many years after the second Secret War is over where the Ultimate Universe is one of the few universes that has been restored, Peter returned to the role of Spider-Man, and is a member of the Ultimates.

She is the first person Peter reveals his secret identity to, and the one who often fixes his costume and treats his injuries. She was once transformed into the Demogoblin after being kidnapped from her bedroom by a facially disfigured clone of Peter Parker , who is determined to give her powers so that she is no longer in danger from his enemies. He pumps in her bloodstream an unquantified amount of OZ, the drug responsible for the creation of the Green Goblin, the Hobgoblin and also Spider-Man. Upon learning this, she becomes very angry and transforms into a huge, hairy, horned, red goblin-type creature. When she spots the Peter clone who was in the building, she calms down once again and reverts to her normal self. May used to hate Spider-Man because she believed he had no regard for innocent bystanders and hid his face behind a mask. Aunt May seems to be scared of the idea of Peter risking his life on a constant basis, but supports him anyway. After the death of her nephew, she and Gwen Stacy emigrate to France. He is killed by a criminal in a Spider-Man suit, and she blames the real Spider-Man for his death because he became someone criminals could copy in order to hide their identities. While living with the Parkers, Gwen is killed by Carnage, which instills in Peter even more guilt.

In Ultimate Spider-Man 98, Gwen Stacy appears again mysteriously, alive and well, and in Ultimate Spider-Man 100, she is revealed, in a hideous twist of fate, to be the new Carnage, along with being a clone of the original. The examination also reveals no trace of the symbiote. Having witnessed the accident that turned his father into the Green Goblin, he was trained by a psychiatrist to repress these memories. After reverting to his regular form, Harry is detained by S. D, much to the dismay of Peter. He is seemingly murdered by his father in Ultimate Spider-Man 117. However, as revealed by a revived Green Goblin that the OZ makes him and Spider-Man immortal, it is possible that Harry might be alive somewhere. For the majority of the series, she is mutant-phobic. It was recently revealed that she herself is a mutant due to her mother being impregnated by the Blob. She eventually becomes Firestar.

It was recently revealed that she herself is a mutant due to her mother being impregnated by the Blob. She eventually becomes Firestar. Shortly after that, Peter revealed to Liz that he was Spider-Man. Although he dated Kitty Pryde for a short period, they have ostensibly broken up. Kong has not been seen for a number of issues and may have moved out to the Midwest. As her identity is public, Kitty wears a green and yellow masked costume when she fights alongside Spider-Man to avoid giving away his identity. Their relationship is hard, as they live quite far away from each other.

Their relationship is silently torn apart when Kitty sees Peter kissing Mary Jane. Despite her breakup with Peter, she still retains strong feelings for him. After the events of the Ultimatum wave, he moves in with Peter Parker. He also dyes his hair black to avoid exposing his secret identity. After the events of the Ultimatum wave, Bobby Drake is kicked out of his home for being a mutant. His most important employees are his right-hand man Robbie Robertson , and his best reporter Ben Urich whose articles helped to take down the Kingpin. Other members include Peter Parker working as a freelance photographer and web designer who unbeknownst to Jameson is actually Spider-Man , Betty Brant , who works as one of the main secretaries, and Ned Leeds , also working as a reporter.

Nick Fury — The tough, powerful, and connected head of S. It is unknown whether Fury will hold on to his promise, as the Ultimates have broken off from S. He later returned during the events of " Ultimatum ", to finish off Magneto with the help of the X-Men. He and Mary were injured in a related lab accident when Peter was an infant, [20] which led to his adamant refusal to allow his and Edward Brock Sr. Recently, Richard resurfaced; allegedly back from the dead, claiming he did not get on the plane because he did not want involvement in the Venom anti-cancer project anymore. Since that time, he has been working as an underground scientist for the CIA to combat Nick Fury when and if he one day got out of control. He is last seen in Ultimate Spider-Man 104 aging more rapidly and dying.

The real Richard Parker is still deceased. Before his death, Richard was working on a "molecular adhesive". Peter finished the formula after becoming Spider-Man [21] and uses it to fight crime see Powers and abilities. She died in the plane crash with her husband while Peter was a child. Connors later turns himself in to the police afterward for his creation of Carnage. The character is able to shoot organic webbing out of her fingertips, without the need of web-shooters. Jessica also discovers, much to her disgust, that her creator is none other than Otto Octavius.

Together, they manage to defeat him. However, whereas Peter is ready to turn himself in to Nick Fury, Jessica promptly leaves to escape incarceration. In Ultimate Spider-Man 129, she made her public debut as a superhero. At the conclusion of the Ultimate Doom story arc, she enlists in S. Taking revenge, she steals a priceless artifact that he was going to use on his comatose wife. Hardy is interested in Spider-Man romantically, but in Ultimate Spider-Man 85, when she sees that he is a 15-year-old boy, she vomits on his costume out of embarrassment. She offers support and comfort to Spider-Man whenever the strain of being a crime-fighter becomes too much for him.

She was secretly working for the Kingpin, and was rumored to have been his lover as well. Punisher killed her in Ultimate Spider-Man Annual 2. He develops an experimental drug called "OZ". He is a scientific genius, especially in genetics. He is killed by Carol Danvers after he requested it, due to feelings of guilt over killing his own son, but is later revealed that he survived, and that neither Danvers nor S.

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